Diplomarbeit: CADMIUM
– Ein System zur
Versionsverwaltung in einer
objektorientierten CAD-Datenbank
Nebenfach: Raumplanung
Secondary: spatial planning
CoreMedia CMS, Blueprint
Linux, Android, Debian, RedHat, Unix
Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB
Exposure to TCP/IP, BSD Sockets, HTTP, IMAP, POP, CGI, PPP, SSH, SSL, iptables/netfilter Firewalls, DNS, Router, GSM, GPRS, Bluetooth, WLAN, ISDN, FAX
GNU Toolchain, also Crosscompiler; IntelliJ IDEA; Eclipse, WSAD, RAD; J2SE / J2EE, Servlets, Portlets, J2ME; XMLSpy; Ant; Emacs
git, mercurial, subversion, cvs
Tasks: Development tasks for several Coremedia CMS projects, www.bmwi.de, www.bmfsfj.de and others.
Technologies: CoreMedia CMS 5.2-9, BluePrint, Maven, Tomcat, git, subversion, MyEclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Java SDK 1.6-8, Bamboo. MongoDB
[Berlin, Germany]
Tasks: Development of a internet based call system for Barcelona taxi services.
Technologies: Apache 2.2, Android > 2.2, Java 1.6, PHP 5, Postgres 8.4, PostGIS, IntelliJ IDEA 12, git, Debian Linux, HTML 5, jQuery
[Home-Office, Barcelona, Spain]
Tasks: Participation in release maintenance of a major german telecommunications providers internet portal www.t-online.de ( development tasks).
Technologies: CoreMedia CMS 2006, Java 6, IntelliJ IDEA IDE, SVN, ant
Tasks: DevOps tasks regarding the Payback Global and India portals.
Technologies: FirstSpirit CMS, RHEL 5/6, Maven, Jenkins, Apache, Subversion, Git, python, php, Java 7, IntelliJ IDEA, ansible, ANTLR.
[Munich, Germany]
Tasks: Development tasks for the relaunch of website handelsblatt.com.
Technologies: Java 6, Coremedia CMS, IntelliJ Idea IDE, mercurial, Maven, tomcat
E-08025 Barcelona, España.